How should we then speak?

Guns, race, rights, religion, politics, patriotism, freedom, equality, justice – Woof. Can we talk about these things? Should we talk about them? How do we talk about them? Who should we talk about them with? 

Talking is hard. For some it is literally difficult. Heck, I have a speech impediment that can turn the burger chain “Red Robin” into “Wed Wobin” if I am over-tired or talking too fast. Honest conversation about complex, nuanced issues with people of differing perspectives is even more challenging.  

Nonetheless, we all implicitly know the need to have conversations, to see others perspectives. We see the need in the way we parent: “Johnny, how would you feel if Suzy took your train while you were playing with it?” “Timmy, how do you think that made Betty feel?” “Use your words.” We train children from a young age to see others’ perspective, to empathize, and to converse.  Read more…

A Fish story that’s not…

Fish story and fish tale: idioms for “an improbable, boastful exaggeration.”
At first glance, the greatest fish story ever told, seems to fit that description. Not the one about Moby Dick, nor those most excellent fish tales of the great catch that almost sank a boat or a few fish that fed thousands. I’m referring to the one that is a whale of a tale, though probably not actually about a whale. I’m referring to
Jonah’s fish story.
Jonah was the first book of the Bible that I ever memorized. Not a great boast, since I’ve only memorized two of the 66 books so far, but nonetheless, my first and my favorite. I love this story, this very true story. Jesus paralleled Jonah’s three days in the great fish with his own three days in the grave, verifying and validating the truth of this amazing bit of biblical history.

The Man who created Harvey Weinstein

Lots of ink – literally and figuratively – has been spilled the last couple weeks over disgraced Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein. There’s no need to rehash what has been covered over and over and over again, in greater detail than many of us would care to know. Numerous theories have been proposed as to how he grew into the poster child for sexual assault. That’s something worth considering, for the sake of our sons and daughters. Who created Harvey Weinstein?

That one day with gas issues…

Wow. Major flashback to the late 70’s. I had just gotten my driver’s license in 1978. I remember sitting in my mom’s dirt-brown Granada on our designated day…watching the long lines inch forward and hoping the gas didn’t run out before I got to the pump. Usually people waited their turn, but once someone cut in front of me, and the guy in the car behind me got out of his car and went over and yelled at them. I was sure a fight would break out – scary! 

5 Books that will spark your Mission Mind

Whenever I am magnetized toward consumerism thanks to the millions of ads I see each day, I have to try and stop myself. I have to re-center with the Christian perspective that there is more to this life than accumulating things.

This is really hard.

We live in a “me first” world. And we’re pretty comfortable, and fairly safe (nothing of course is guaranteed), so it’s easy to just think about the next step in the American dream that I can mark off my checklist before the next big thing.

One of the remedies is to read. I look for a book by Christians who have given up everything to follow Him, or for perspective focusing on gospel-driven lifestyles versus American dream ones. Here are some of my favorites that I hope you’ll pick up soon!