The MCC Blog

Welcome to MCC’s (sort of) weekly blog. From thoughts about the Bible, to every day experiences, to pop culture, join us as we write through what we believe. Feel free to comment and share to your social media site as well! If you would like to email us about a certain blog, please be sure to include the title of the blog in the subject line, and send to 


As many of you know, I had a personal epiphany in adult Sunday School last year. We were studying 1 Corinthians 7, about how single people are missing an important aspect of life; they lack an important component of living that marriage provides lots of; and nowadays, single people are finding it outside marriage, even though marriage is the only appropriate setting for it. I am speaking, of course, of
1 Corinthians 7:32b-34 says:

An unmarried man is concerned about the Lord’s affairs – how he can please the Lord. But a married man is concerned about the affairs of this world – how he can please his wife – and his interests are divided. An unmarried woman or virgin is concerned about the Lord’s affairs:  Her aim is to be devoted to the Lord in both body and spirit. But a married woman is concerned about the affairs of this world – how she can please her husband.

So even when godly people are married to each other, their spouse – physically present and having needs – calls attention away from kingdom work. God created marriage, and rightly done it is a reflection of Christ’s love for His bride, the church. But it comes at the cost of divided interests. I can’t speak for men, but I know moms understand this division viscerally – even when she is alone, her kids are on her mind, even when they are old enough to have kids of their own. 


Open Carry

Back in December, our church took the Open Carry policy and ran with it to make a short play about sharing the love of Jesus to others.  Just like a Texan’s ability to openly carry a firearm, the Christ follower should be able to openly carry Jesus as they participate in the day’s activities. While the metaphor can only go so far and may seem a little silly, let’s compare the two further.

1. To carry a firearm, even openly, you need a license. To get a license, you need a background check.

So if one plans to share Christ, they must first have a background check. We look back to remember who we were, so that when we present Christ to others, we remember more specifically, that we are no better than the person with whom we share.

We are the tax collector, in the back of the synagogue, beating our chests and yelling out “Father have mercy on me, a sinner!” (Luke 18:9-14)


By Heart

I have an argument with myself every Sunday…go to By Heart or not? I list the pros and cons. The cons come thronging, crowding in: I haven’t practiced much, so haven’t progressed; I am bored or discouraged with what I’m learning; I will never know as many verses as Marla; I am in the middle of a project I don’t want to put down for that hour or so; I’ve already been to church once today, isn’t that enough?; my friend whom I haven’t seen all week called and she wants to have coffee and catch up; Sunday afternoon is the best time for a nap…and on and on.

Somehow, the pros are never as compelling – fellowship, the satisfaction of training my mind, enjoyment of a slowly growing storehouse of verses committed to memory. Usually – albeit grudgingly – I decide to go anyway. Did you catch that? Not the ‘I go’ part, but the ‘anyway’ part? The ‘in spite of reasons, not because of them’ part? I wonder, what is the struggle here, and why is that struggle perpetual?


Culture Shock in the Ancient World

It finally makes sense. The Israelites were simply dealing with some intense culture shock. All of their desires to go back to their “home” Egypt, after the greatest escape known to man from the Pharaoh, were perfectly..


I often mock the pettiness and downright silly decisions of the Israelites throughout Scripture.

“C’mon man! Moses was having a one-on-one with the Almighty! You couldn’t wait, like, just a few more days before making some golden calf to worship!”

“So Jonah, you’re just gonna sit there and pout because God is merciful to more than just your people?”

The Israelites are quick to grumble more than once. However, through a conversation with my husband I realized that one of their first times to complain was more human than I had expected.



I read. A lot. For information, certainly; but also for edification; for a humor break amid tedium; to disengage at the end of the day; and sometimes because I need to see pretty words, well grouped, to remind myself that grammar is still a thing. I was the kid who carried stacks of books home every week from the school library – can’t have too many books to read, is my thinking.

I am kind of known for being a reader. People pass books to me, and I love it. Reading a recommended book gives me insight into the person who recommended it; always enlightening, as well as educational. (Fair warning though; I will try to be careful with your book, but occasionally coffee might happen to the pages.)

So Sharayah lent me a book a couple of weeks ago. It was quite good; the voice of the author is firm and her convictions true to the heart of God. But what I will always remember about that book (and right now I can’t even recall the name of it) is a sentence about the behavior of a devout family immured in a concentration camp – full of grace and generosity in hideous circumstances – because that’s how that family had learned to live their faith. The author wrote “They didn’t have a plan, but they had a practice.”